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Apochromatický refraktor. Apertura: 61 mm. Ohnisková vzdálenost: 335 mm

Optická konstrukce
Apertura – průměr světelného objektivu (refraktory a katadioptry) nebo zrcadla (reflektory), který dalekohled používá ke sběru světla
Ohnisková vzdálenost – vzdálenost od primárního objektivu nebo zrcadla k bodu, na který je světlo zaostřeno

ID výrobku 78630
Značka Omegon
Záruka 2 roky
EAN 2400000047926
Přepravní hmotnost 1.35 kg
Optická konstrukce refraktor

Portable at home or for travelling. Always great shots

On top of a mountain or in the desert. An excellent night also requires an excellent telescope. But good conditions are not to be found everywhere. This small apochromat is so compact you can take it with you wherever there is a clear sky. It makes good astrophotography even more mobile.

The highlights at a glance:

  • 61mm doublet ED Apo with two lenses for a colour-pure image with good contrast
  • Retractable dew cap for easy transport
  • 2.5” focuser with a 1:10 reduction ratio: Easily focus larger and heavier cameras with high precision.
  • Camera rotates 360° so you can find the right orientation
  • Vixen-type finder shoe so you can easily mount any finderscope

Why these optics reveal more details

No more images without contrast. This apochromat shows what is really possible: pure-colour and high-contrast observations and astrophotos. The key is a sophisticated optical design with premium ED glass for a crystal-clear image. Compared to most mirror systems, the better-defined optics allow you to see more and finer details when observing the planets, for example. All surfaces of the lens elements are treated with an effective multi-coating to prevent reflections. Enjoy memorable observations and shots.

2.5” focuser with gearing and ball bearings

This 2.5” geared focuser is a small spatial miracle, and large enough that no shading occurs. An ingenious hybrid technology comprising a Crayford focuser and a gear wheel makes it particularly strong and suitable for accessories weighing up to 4kg. The ball bearings provide for smooth focusing, allowing you to easily find the perfect focus. A 1:10 reduction gearing makes precise focusing a breeze. Astrophotographers around the world value precisely these features.

CNC tube designed for the best optics

The tube of the Omegon Apo consists of a CNC machined metal construction with a sophisticated anti-reflective aperture system. The entire tube is lined with a velvet-like, black fabric.

Extending and fixing the dew cap

The Apo’s dew cap can be extended and fixed with a screw. It can be retracted for transport.

ID výrobku 78630
Značka Omegon
Záruka 2 roky
EAN 2400000047926
Přepravní hmotnost 1.35 kg
Optická konstrukce refraktor
Optické schéma apochromatický
Průměr objektivu (apertura), mm 61
Ohnisková vzdálenost, mm 355
Poměr apertury f/5.5
Typ uživatele zkušení uživatelé
Pozorovaný objekt objekty hlubokého vesmíru, planety sluneční soustavy, pozemské objekty
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